

All pho­tos can be down­loa­ded in the press kit under the bio. Plea­se indi­ca­te the image rights con­tai­ned in the file name when using the pho­tos: © Cla­ra Evens or © Zuzan­na Spec­jal



Cham­ber Music


Cham­ber Music




Cham­ber Music


“This album is a vital adver­ti­se­ment for New Music. And even more than that: it is a tri­umph of a rare­ly heard cham­ber ensemble. The way Breland, Aßmus, and Schau inter­act in the­se recor­dings, how they draw con­trasts and unity from the sound of their so dif­fe­rent instru­ments, is a tes­ta­ment to immense talent. It is hard to ima­gi­ne that this music could be play­ed with more vita­li­ty or con­vic­tion. Inter­pre­ta­ti­on, reper­toire, and recor­ding tech­ni­que meet here at the hig­hest level.”

Hans Jür­gen Schaal on the debut CD “Brea­the” by Trio Klangspektrum in Das Orches­ter, issue 06_23 (The ori­gi­nal artic­le is in Ger­man.)


“This album is a vital adver­ti­se­ment for New Music. And even more than that: it is a tri­umph of a rare­ly heard cham­ber ensemble. The way Breland, Aßmus, and Schau inter­act in the­se recor­dings, how they draw con­trasts and unity from the sound of their so dif­fe­rent instru­ments, is a tes­ta­ment to immense talent. It is hard to ima­gi­ne that this music could be play­ed with more vita­li­ty or con­vic­tion. Inter­pre­ta­ti­on, reper­toire, and recor­ding tech­ni­que meet here at the hig­hest level.”

Hans Jür­gen Schaal on the debut CD “Brea­the” by Trio Klangspektrum in Das Orches­ter, issue 06_23 (The ori­gi­nal artic­le is in Ger­man.)