
Anna-Katharina Schau began play­ing the accordion at the age of six. Her inte­rest in con­tem­po­ra­ry music as well as new play­ing tech­ni­ques led her to the Hano­ver Uni­ver­si­ty of Music, Dra­ma and Media. In 2022, she com­ple­ted her stu­dies with a Master of Music degree under Goran Steva­no­vic. In addi­ti­on to her stu­dies, she atten­ded master clas­ses with Hugo Noth, Claudia Buder, Mie Miki, Veli Kujala and Andreas Borregaard.

Anna-Katharina Schau achie­ved recent competition suc­ces­ses at natio­nal and international com­pe­ti­ti­ons such as the 2nd pri­ze at the International Accordion Competition in Pula/Croatia and the 3rd place at the Ger­man Accordion Music Pri­ze in 2018. In 2021, she won the first pri­ze and a spe­cial pri­ze at the Ger­man Accordion Music Pri­ze.

One of her grea­test suc­ces­ses is win­ning the Ger­man Music Competition (Deutscher Musik­wettbewerb”) in 2021 tog­e­ther with the Trio Klangspektrum (cla­ri­net, violoncello, and accordion), a trio for con­tem­po­ra­ry music. In the 2022/23 sea­son, the young trio was part of the Ger­man Music Competition con­cert series.

Her artis­tic focus and pas­si­on is cham­ber music. Sin­ce 2016, she has been play­ing tog­e­ther with the cla­ri­ne­tist Paula Breland as the Duo Amabile, which was also sup­port­ed by the con­cert pro­mo­ti­on of the Ger­man Music Competition. Exten­si­ve fun­ding from Neustart Kultur” enab­led the duo to rea­li­se a mul­ti­me­dia flow con­cert named “METAMORPHOSIS”, in which the musi­ci­ans explo­red the con­nec­tion bet­ween music and video map­ping. In spring 2024, the debut CD “METAMORPHOSIS” was released by the label GENUIN Records, which was prai­sed by num­e­rous music cri­tics, inclu­ding rbb and SWR2.

Anna-Katharina Schau has per­for­med with ensemble mosaic and ensemble unitedberlin, among others, and has work­ed with con­duc­tors such as H.K. Gru­ber, Dani­el Cohen, Ger­hard Jen­ne­mann. She was invi­ted by num­e­rous festivals such as Neuköllner Originaltöne, Intersonanzen Potsdam, Klangbrücken-Festival Hannover, Bellearte ffm, Klangwerkstatt Berlin and Vocal arte Frankfurt am Main.

Con­certs with the Trio Klangspektrum and the Duo Amabile have also taken her to the Beethoven Fest Bonn, unerhörte Musik Berlin, Hörfest Detmold, Neuköllner Originaltöne, Altenberger Kultursommer, Göppinger Meis­ter­kon­zer­te and Schleswig Holstein Musikfestival.

Ano­ther ambi­ti­on of the accordionist’s artis­tic work is the col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with young com­po­sers. She has com­mis­sio­ned new works by Saemi Jeong, Michaela Catranis, Huijuan Ling, René Kuwan, Rachel C. Walker and many others.

Anna-Katharina Schau has recei­ved fun­ding from the Hannover Region, the Förderkreis der HMTM Hannover, Yehudi Menuhin Live Music Now Hannover e.V. and Yehudi Menuhin Live Music Now Hamburg, the Ernst von Siemens Musik­stiftung and Neustart Kultur.

In addi­ti­on to her exten­si­ve artis­tic acti­vi­ties, the pas­sio­na­te musi­ci­an Anna-Katharina Schau tea­ches at two Berlin music schools.

Duo Amabile

Ine­vi­ta­b­ly drawn towards each other by the harm­o­ny of their instru­ments, the two musi­ci­ans instant­ly con­nec­ted in 2016. The uni­que com­bi­na­ti­on of cla­ri­net and accordion enables the musi­ci­ans Paula Breland (cla­ri­net) and Anna-Katharina Schau (accordion) to offer a colorful palet­te of sounds with soloists pre­cis­i­on and cham­ber music fusi­on.

The wide ran­ge of their reper­toire includes music from the Renais­sance as well as con­tem­po­ra­ry com­po­si­ti­ons and world pre­mie­res, writ­ten exclu­si­ve­ly for the Duo Amabile.

Trio [k l a ŋ ʃ p ɛ k t r ʊ m]

The trio Klangspektrum [k l a ŋ ʃ p ɛ k t r ʊ m] for­med in 2020 and beca­me pri­ze win­ners of the Ger­man Music Competition just one year later. The three musi­ci­ans are united by their com­mon goal of del­ving deeper into the world of new music and their focus on expe­ri­men­tal per­for­mance for­mats. The wide ran­ge of sound colours of the three instru­ments enables the young musi­ci­ans Paula Breland (cla­ri­net), Anna-Katharina Schau (accordion) and Jen­ni­fer Aßmus (violoncello) to deve­lop their own distinc­ti­ve tonal lan­guage. Alt­hough the instru­ments seem unre­la­ted at first glan­ce, the air, but­tons and strings allow them to vibra­te won­derful­ly tog­e­ther, so that they can sound as one and at the same time offer an inex­haus­ti­ble spec­trum of sound. The acti­ve artis­tic explo­ra­ti­on of new play­ing tech­ni­ques on the respec­ti­ve instru­ments, the explo­ra­ti­on of new sounds as well as the crea­ti­on of new works for this instru­men­ta­ti­on in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with com­po­sers form the focus of their work.


Anna-Katharina Schau began play­ing the accordion at the age of six. Her inte­rest in con­tem­po­ra­ry music as well as new play­ing tech­ni­ques led her to the Hano­ver Uni­ver­si­ty of Music, Dra­ma and Media. In 2022, she com­ple­ted her stu­dies with a Master of Music degree under Goran Steva­no­vic. In addi­ti­on to her stu­dies, she atten­ded master clas­ses with Hugo Noth, Claudia Buder, Mie Miki, Veli Kujala and Andreas Borregaard.

Anna-Katharina Schau achie­ved recent competition suc­ces­ses at natio­nal and international com­pe­ti­ti­ons such as the 2nd pri­ze at the International Accordion Competition in Pula/Croatia and the 3rd place at the Ger­man Accordion Music Pri­ze in 2018. In 2021, she won the first pri­ze and a spe­cial pri­ze at the Ger­man Accordion Music Pri­ze.

One of her grea­test suc­ces­ses is win­ning the Ger­man Music Competition (Deutscher Musik­wettbewerb”) in 2021 tog­e­ther with the Trio Klangspektrum (cla­ri­net, violoncello, and accordion), a trio for con­tem­po­ra­ry music. In the 2022/23 sea­son, the young trio was part of the Ger­man Music Competition con­cert series.

Her artis­tic focus and pas­si­on is cham­ber music. Sin­ce 2016, she has been play­ing tog­e­ther with the cla­ri­ne­tist Paula Breland as the Duo Amabile, which was also sup­port­ed by the con­cert pro­mo­ti­on of the Ger­man Music Competition. Exten­si­ve fun­ding from Neustart Kultur” enab­led the duo to rea­li­se a mul­ti­me­dia flow con­cert named “Metamorphosis”, in which the musi­ci­ans explo­red the con­nec­tion bet­ween music and video map­ping. In spring 2024, the debut CD “Metamorphosis” will be released by the label GENUIN Records.

Anna-Katharina Schau has per­for­med with ensemble mosaic and ensemble unitedberlin, among others, and has work­ed with con­duc­tors such as H.K. Gru­ber. She was invi­ted by num­e­rous festivals such as Neuköllner Originaltöne, Intersonanzen Potsdam, Klangbrücken-Festival Hannover, Bellearte ffm, Klangwerkstatt Berlin and Vocal arte Frankfurt am Main.

Con­certs with the Trio Klangspektrum and the Duo Amabile have also taken her to the Beethoven Fest Bonn, unerhörte Musik Berlin, Hörfest Detmold, Neuköllner Originaltöne, Altenberger Kultursommer, Göppinger Meis­ter­kon­zer­te and Schleswig Holstein Musikfestival.

Ano­ther ambi­ti­on of the accordionist’s artis­tic work is the col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with young com­po­sers. She has com­mis­sio­ned new works by Saemi Jeong, Michaela Catranis, Huijuan Ling, René Kuwan, Rachel C. Walker and many others.

Anna-Katharina Schau has recei­ved fun­ding from the Hannover Region, the Förderkreis der HMTM Hannover, Yehudi Menuhin Live Music Now Hannover e.V. and Yehudi Menuhin Live Music Now Hamburg, the Ernst von Siemens Musik­stiftung and Neustart Kultur.

In addi­ti­on to her exten­si­ve artis­tic acti­vi­ties, the pas­sio­na­te musi­ci­an Anna-Katharina Schau tea­ches at two Berlin music schools.

Duo Amabile

Ine­vi­ta­b­ly drawn towards each other by the harm­o­ny of their instru­ments, the two musi­ci­ans instant­ly con­nec­ted in 2016. The uni­que com­bi­na­ti­on of cla­ri­net and accordion enables the musi­ci­ans Paula Breland (cla­ri­net) and Anna-Katharina Schau (accordion) to offer a colorful palet­te of sounds with soloists pre­cis­i­on and cham­ber music fusi­on.

The wide ran­ge of their reper­toire includes music from the Renais­sance as well as con­tem­po­ra­ry com­po­si­ti­ons and world pre­mie­res, writ­ten exclu­si­ve­ly for the Duo Amabile.

[k l a ŋ ʃ p ɛ k t r ʊ m]

The trio Klangspektrum [k l a ŋ ʃ p ɛ k t r ʊ m] for­med in 2020 and beca­me pri­ze win­ners of the Ger­man Music Competition just one year later. The three musi­ci­ans are united by their com­mon goal of del­ving deeper into the world of new music and their focus on expe­ri­men­tal per­for­mance for­mats. The wide ran­ge of sound colours of the three instru­ments enables the young musi­ci­ans Paula Breland (cla­ri­net), Anna-Katharina Schau (accordion) and Jen­ni­fer Aßmus (violoncello) to deve­lop their own distinc­ti­ve tonal lan­guage. Alt­hough the instru­ments seem unre­la­ted at first glan­ce, the air, but­tons and strings allow them to vibra­te won­derful­ly tog­e­ther, so that they can sound as one and at the same time offer an inex­haus­ti­ble spec­trum of sound. The acti­ve artis­tic explo­ra­ti­on of new play­ing tech­ni­ques on the respec­ti­ve instru­ments, the explo­ra­ti­on of new sounds as well as the crea­ti­on of new works for this instru­men­ta­ti­on in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with com­po­sers form the focus of their work.