Anna-Katharina Schau began play­ing the accordion at the age of six. Her inte­rest in con­tem­po­ra­ry music as well as in new play­ing tech­ni­ques led her to the Hano­ver Uni­ver­si­ty of Music, Dra­ma, and Media. In 2022, she com­ple­ted her stu­dies with a Master of Music under Goran Steva­no­vic. Her edu­ca­ti­on was sup­ple­men­ted by mas­ter­clas­ses with Hugo Noth, Claudia Buder, Mie Miki, Veli Kujala, and Andreas Borregaard.

Anna-Katharina Schau recent­ly achie­ved competition suc­cess in both natio­nal and international con­tests, such as the International Accordion Competition in Pula, Croa­tia, whe­re she won 2nd pri­ze, and the Ger­man Accordion Music Pri­ze, whe­re she pla­ced 3rd in 2018. In 2021, she secu­red first pri­ze and a spe­cial award at the Ger­man Accordion Music Pri­ze.

METAMORPHOSIS with Duo Amabile on Sep­tem­ber 15, 2024, at the Music and Con­gress Hall Lübeck, Small Hall, 6 PM.

Album recom­men­da­ti­on from SWR Cul­tu­re: “Metamorphosis: Cla­ri­net and Accordion – A Pai­ring with Gre­at Poten­ti­al”

Anna-Katharina Schau, tog­e­ther with Trio Klangspektrum, won the pri­ze at the Ger­man Music Competition 2021 in the New Music cate­go­ry.

METAMORPHOSIS with Duo Amabile on Sep­tem­ber 15, 2024, at the Music and Con­gress Hall Lübeck, Small Hall, 6 PM.

Album recom­men­da­ti­on from SWR Cul­tu­re: “Metamorphosis: Cla­ri­net and Accordion – A Pai­ring with Gre­at Poten­ti­al”

Anna-Katharina Schau, tog­e­ther with Trio Klangspektrum, won the pri­ze at the Ger­man Music Competition 2021 in the New Music cate­go­ry.