
Why the accordion?
Peo­p­le often ask me this ques­ti­on.

In my case, the ans­wer is quite simp­le. At the age of six, I was alre­a­dy con­vin­ced: The accordion and me – we belong tog­e­ther.
May­be it was all the but­tons that fasci­na­ted me. Or may­be I just wan­ted an instru­ment that I could embrace.

My fasci­na­ti­on for the accordion was awa­ken­ed and later exten­ded from the clas­si­cal reper­toire to con­tem­po­ra­ry sound worlds. From then on, music fil­led my life. Stu­dy­ing and expres­sing music as well as delight­ing and sur­pri­sing my audi­ence is one of my gre­at pas­si­ons: as a soloist, but also with the Duo Amabile or the Trio Klangspektrum. Bes­i­des my musi­cal care­er, I also work as an instru­men­tal tea­cher with at least as much joy and dedi­ca­ti­on. I love to open the world of music and the accordion music to my stu­dents.

I invi­te you cor­di­al­ly to get to know me and my work!

Anna-Katharina Schau

Why the accordion?
Peo­p­le often ask me this ques­ti­on.

In my case, the ans­wer is quite simp­le. At the age of six, I was alre­a­dy con­vin­ced: The accordion and me – we belong tog­e­ther.
May­be it was all the but­tons that fasci­na­ted me. Or may­be I just wan­ted an instru­ment that I could embrace.

My fasci­na­ti­on for the accordion was awa­ken­ed and later exten­ded from the clas­si­cal reper­toire to con­tem­po­ra­ry sound worlds. From then on, music fil­led my life. Stu­dy­ing and expres­sing music as well as delight­ing and sur­pri­sing my audi­ence is one of my gre­at pas­si­ons: as a soloist, but also with the Duo Amabile or the Trio Klangspektrum. Bes­i­des my musi­cal care­er, I also work as an instru­men­tal tea­cher with at least as much joy and dedi­ca­ti­on. I love to open the world of music and the accordion music to my stu­dents.

I invi­te you cor­di­al­ly to get to know me and my work!

Anna-Katharina Schau